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Santander, Colombia

This product is 100% Colombian.

The Colombian tahiti lime is recognized worldwide for its juiciness, flavor and intense color. It is a source of Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron and Potassium. 

It is an attractive variety for the international market because it has a longer shelf life. In addition, since it has no seeds or pips (a natural characteristic of the fruit), it is more convenient to eat.


Fresh fruit

- Product  in the market -

Food Use

Seleccionada y empacada para ser entregada a nuestros clientes en el menor tiempo posible, preservando la calidad del fruto desde el agricultor hasta las manos del consumidor final. 

Among its benefits, we can find: 


  • The soluble fiber of lemon helps digestion and stabilizes blood sugar. It acts as an antibacterial agent.

  • It promotes healthy cholesterol levels and strengthens the immune system.

  • Rich in vitamin C which helps the heart. Reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. 

  • Prevents cancer. Naringenin is a flavonoid found in lemons.

  • Lemons, with their citric acid, help stop the formation of kidney stones.

  • It benefits the skin with vitamin C. It stimulates the production of collagen and therefore prevents wrinkles.

  • Balances the body's pH


We work directly with communities of small and medium farmers in the municipality of Lebrija, Santander - Colombia.

The municipality of Lebrija is located at 1,200 meters above sea level, in fertile lands and a favorable climate for the production of juicy lemons with excellent flavor and good color.

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